Birds of the Tropical Rainforest

Birds of the Tropical Rainforest

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Toucans are colourful birds from their body to their large beaks. Toucans come from a family of around 40 species. Their name comes from Portuguese which is Tupi tucana. Toucans have short compact bodies, that are similar to a crows. The toucans tail is rounded, and has many different lengths depending on which bird. The toucan has a short stubby neck, and have short wings because they don't need to fly long distances. Toucans have strong short legs, and bills of a female toucan are usually more blocky, and straight. Even though the size of the toucans bill is sometimes big, it is light. A toucans tongue can be  up to 6 inches long, it is grey and narrow. A toucan maily Lay 2-4 eggs each year. They will make nests inside hollow trees, and the young are born nakes with no feathers or down. Toucans are permanent residents, meaning they don't migrate, and usually are found in pairs or 'flocks'. The toucan mainly eats fruit, but sometimes eat insects and small lizards as well as they will eat eggs in smaller birds nests and nestlings. Toucans tip their head back to allow the fruit to role into their mouths before swallowing 

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