Birds of the Tropical Rainforest

Birds of the Tropical Rainforest

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Andean Cock-of-the-rock

The Andean Cock-of-the-rock is the Official bird of Peru. The male has disk like shape on his head as well as  the plumage that he has is orange. The female however is quite a bit more browner than the male. The male has a yellowish beak where as the female has a black beak with a yellow tip. The Andean has a black tail, and wings, and is a medium sized bird. The female takes care of the young all by herself after mating she makes a nest under a rock overhang, and cares for them until they hatch. There are many different eye colours in the species varying from red, to orange to white, to yellow, to brown. The Andean is located throughout Venezuela, Columbia, Peru, and Bolivia. The Andean likes to stay in lower forest levels where there are fruit bearing trees. They mainly eat fruits, and insects, but frogs and lizards have been seens as another food source.

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